• Installation of electronic sealing devices project


     Dear/ subscribers of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents its best greetings to you, and would like to inform you about receiving a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers (L / PO / 2627) dated 18/10/1439 AH, which referred to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. 51058 dated 12/10/1439 AH that addressed the letter of the Director of Government Affairs in the Central Region of Saudi Aramco No. (6/6786/2018) dated (15/9/1439). It is on the installation of electronic sealing devices on fuel tankers, as well as agreeing to specify a particular type of device.


    Though, we hope that tankers' owners would communicate with specialists in Saudi Aramco to ensure that the device meets the safety specifications before purchasing and installation.​​

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